1、Copyright License Agreement版權(quán)許可合同AGREEMENT dated 1st June 2006簽約日期:2006年6月1日Scholastic Canada LimitedScholastic(加拿大)有限公司604 King Street West, Toronto, ON M5V 1E1, Canada加拿大多倫多皇家西街M5V 1E1(hereinafter called the Proprietors)(以下簡稱“版權(quán)方”)and 及 China Women Publishing House中國婦女出版社A-24 Shijia Hutong, Dongch
2、eng District, Beijing 100010, China中國北京東城區(qū)史家胡同甲24號,100010(hereinafter called the Publishers)(以下簡稱“出版方”)whereby it is mutually agreed as follows regarding the work(s) entitled:按此協(xié)議,雙方就作者為Jo Ellen Bogart,插畫作者為Laura Fernandez 和 Rick Jacobson的米爺爺學認字達成協(xié)議。 (each title hereinafter called the Work)(以下簡稱“作品”
3、)WHEREBY, Proprietors and Publishers agree that:按此協(xié)議,版權(quán)方與出版方就以下條款達成協(xié)議:1.1 RIGHTS GRANTED & TERRITORY: The Proprietors hereby grant to the Publishers the right to translate into the Chinese language SIMPLIFIED CHARACTERS ONLY and to print, publish and sell, at the Publishers own expense, the Work in
4、TRADE HARDCOVER FORM ONLY exclusively in the following territory, subject to all the terms and conditions of this Agreement: Mainland of China only.11版權(quán)許可及使用范圍:按此協(xié)議,版權(quán)方僅授予出版方翻譯此書為中文簡體版本,并自行承擔印刷、出版和銷售的費用。遵照本協(xié)議的所有條款和條件,此專有出版權(quán)的作品僅允許在中國大陸出版精裝本。1.2 TERM: This Agreement covers a period of five (5) years f
5、rom agreement date. On expiration of this license, all rights herein granted revert to the Proprietors without further written notice.12條款:本合同有效期為簽約之日起5年。合同到期時,無需書面通知,合同提到的所有權(quán)利自動返還版權(quán)方。2. RIGHTS RESERVED: All rights not specifically granted to the Publishers herein, without limitation, are reserved t
6、o the Proprietors.2保留權(quán)利:本合同沒有明確授予出版方的所有權(quán)利,毫無限制地歸版權(quán)方所有。3. WARRANTY: The Proprietors warrant that they control the rights to the entire Work conveyed herein and granted to the Publishers and that they have the full power to make this Agreement.3保證:版權(quán)方保證持有本合同中的轉(zhuǎn)讓作品的權(quán)利,并授予出版方,版權(quán)方也保證有能力執(zhí)行本合同。4. ASSIGNMEN
7、T OF RIGHTS: This Agreement and the rights hereby granted may not be assigned or transmitted in whole or in part by the Publishers either voluntarily or by process of law and the translation of the Work may not be issued under any imprint other than the Publishers own, as stated above, without the p
8、rior written consent of the Proprietors.4權(quán)利轉(zhuǎn)讓:不論是自發(fā)或是通過法律程序,出版方均不可將本合同以及合同中授予的權(quán)利全部或部分轉(zhuǎn)讓。作品的譯作未經(jīng)版權(quán)方書面允許,如上所述,不可發(fā)表在出版方署名之外的地方。5.1 ROYALTY AND ADVANCE: The Publishers shall pay to the Proprietors on signature of this Agreement a non-refundable advance of US$1,000.00 in United States dollars against the
9、 following royalty, based on the Publishers current retail list price, on all copies sold: 6% for 1-5,000 copies sold; 7% for 5,001-10,000 copies sold; and 8% on all copies sold thereafter.51 版稅及預付:出版方應預付合同中署名之版權(quán)方1,000.00美國美元,此預付金不可退還。現(xiàn)列出如下版稅:依據(jù)出版方目前的零售價格表,基于所售冊數(shù):售15,000冊稅率6;售5,00110,000冊稅率7;售10,000
10、冊以上稅率8。The Advance payment, if not earned out before this Agreement expiry date, shall not be transferred or extended to the Renewal of this Agreement.本合同期滿前若未能付梓,預付款不應轉(zhuǎn)交或延伸給本合同的補充條款。Royalties payable by the Publishers to the Proprietors shall be based on 100% retail list price. No royalties are pay
11、able on copies distributed free to the Press or for publicity or for the replacement of damaged copies but the number of such copies free of royalty shall not exceed four percent (4%) of all copies sold.出版方應付版權(quán)方的版稅應依據(jù)100零售價格表。為宣傳而免費送給出版社或為替換損壞書冊的,可不付版稅,但免費書冊數(shù)不得超過銷售冊數(shù)的4。5.2 ACCOUNTING: The Publishers
12、 shall account to the Proprietors on printings, sales, and earnings SEMI-ANNUALLY as of the 30th day of June and the 31st day of December in each year and will make full settlement of the account within ninety (90) days thereafter. All payments required to be made by the Publishers to the Proprietor
13、s shall be made promptly to the Proprietors. Failure to render such accounting and settlement shall cause automatic termination of this Agreement and immediate reversion to the Proprietors of all rights granted herein without prejudice to any claim which the Proprietors may have for damages or other
14、wise as set forth in Clause 12 hereof. Royalty reports shall note in detail:52賬目核算:出版方應在印刷、銷售和半年收益方面遵守版權(quán)方規(guī)定,即每年6月30日和12月31日后90天內(nèi),完全結(jié)算賬目。出版方應付版權(quán)方的所有應付款項應及時支付。未能結(jié)算,合同將自動中止,無需發(fā)表任何聲名,本合同提及之所有權(quán)利立即返還版權(quán)方,并毫無疑義地承擔任何可能對版權(quán)方造成的損失,否則執(zhí)行12條中相關(guān)條款。版稅報告應記錄:-the number of copies printed; and the cumulative total prin
15、tings印數(shù);及附加印數(shù)-the number of copies spoiled; and the number of copies given away for Press and for publicity損壞冊數(shù);及贈送出版社為宣傳使用的冊數(shù)-the number of copies sold; and the cumulative total sales銷量;及附加總銷量-when the Publishers edition is out of print出版方脫銷日期5.3 AUDIT: If so requested, the Publishers agree to allo
16、w the Proprietors to audit the Publishers books of record relating to the Work in order to verify royalty accounting and printing statements.53 審核:若有要求,出版方允許版權(quán)方為證實版稅賬目和印制報告,審核出版方與此作品有關(guān)的檔案冊。5.4 TAX: Should the Publishers by law be required to deduct tax from any sums due the Proprietors under this Ag
17、reement the Publishers shall provide a written declaration to this effect with the relevant statement of account showing the amount deducted. The Publishers will provide the Proprietors with official tax receipts from the relevant tax authorities as evidence of such payments. Failure to do so will b
18、e a breach of this contract.54 稅款:若出版方依法從總應付金額中扣除稅款,依據(jù)本合同,出版方應提供一份書面聲明,注明扣稅數(shù)額。出版方提供正式稅款收據(jù)作為證據(jù)。未能做到的將視為違約。5.5 REMAINDERING: The Publishers may remainder the Work and shall pay to the Proprietors ten percent (10%) of the amount received except that no royalties shall be paid on any copies sold at or b
19、elow cost of manufacture, provided, however, that no such remainder copies of the Work shall be sold within a three (3) years period from the date of first publication by the Publishers. The Publishers shall have six (6) months to sell off all copies of their edition of the Work on the expiration of
20、 the term of this Agreement. All such sales are to be subject to royalty payments stipulated herein and the Publishers are required to account to the Proprietors for all such sales and provide written notification when all copies have been sold. In the event that stock still remains after the six (6
21、) months selling-off period, the Publishers are required to destroy all remaining copies.55 降價銷售:出版方可降價銷售作品,應付給版權(quán)方總收入的10,任何書冊以成本價或低于成本價售出,無需版稅。若作品未降價銷售,應從出版方第一次出版之日起售賣3年。合同期滿之日起,出版方有6個月降價售完其所有圖書。此種銷售行為應遵循本合同之版稅支付規(guī)定,出版方的銷售行為應遵照版權(quán)方,并提供書面脫銷通知。6個月降價銷售后仍有庫存,出版方應銷毀所有剩余圖書。6.1 PUBLICATION: The Publishers sh
22、all publish the translation of the Work within 12 months of the date of this Agreement and the number of copies to be printed shall not be less than 5,000. If the Publishers fail to issue the translation of the Work within the period detailed all rights granted in this Agreement shall revert to the
23、Proprietors forthwith and the advance payment provided for in Clause 5.1 herein shall be forfeited without prejudice to any claim which the Proprietors may have for damages or otherwise.61出版:出版方應在簽約之日起12個月內(nèi)出版譯作,印數(shù)不得少于5,000冊。若出版方未能在規(guī)定時間內(nèi)發(fā)行譯作,所有本合同中的授權(quán)返還版權(quán)方,條款5.1條提到的預付款將被扣留,出版方并毫無疑義地承擔任何可能對版權(quán)方造成的損失.6.
24、2 PUBLICATION DATE: Promptly on the date of publication of the Publishers translation of the Work, but in no event later than ten (10) days thereafter, the Publishers shall notify the Proprietors, in writing of said date of publication.62 出版日期:出版方應盡快將出版日期書面通知版權(quán)方,不得晚于出版之日后10天。6.3 COMPLIMENTARY COPIES
25、: On publication the Publishers shall dispatch to the Proprietors ten (10) free copies of the translated Work. The Proprietors shall have the right to purchase further copies for their own use at the best trade discount.63免費贈送:出版后,出版方應免費分發(fā)10冊譯作給版權(quán)方。版權(quán)方有權(quán)以最低折扣購買更多圖書。7. PROPRIETORS APPROVAL: The Publi
26、shers, if requested to do so, shall submit the translation of the Work to the Proprietors for approval before publication, and in that event the Publishers shall not proceed with the printing of the translation of the Work until they have received such approval in writing. The Proprietors shall not
27、unreasonably withhold or delay their approval. BARDON-CHINESE MEDIA AGENCY, is authorized to check all copyright notices, title pages, and covers before the Publishers proceed with printing.7版權(quán)方的許可:若有要求,出版方需提交譯作給版權(quán)方,以獲得出版許可。在這種情況下,出版方收到書面許可通知前,不應繼續(xù)印刷譯作。版權(quán)方不得毫無理由地推遲許可。在出版方繼續(xù)印刷前,BARDON-CHINESE MEDIA A
28、GENCY被授權(quán)審核所有版權(quán)信息、扉頁和封面。8.1 TRANSLATION: The Publishers agree that the translation of the work is to be faithfully and accurately made, without change in the theme or substance of the Work, except as may be deemed necessary to permit lawful publication thereof, and shall retain the spirit of the Work
29、 insofar as may be practicable. The Publishers further agree that any deviation from the standard prescribed by the first sentence of this paragraph shall require the express written consent of the Proprietors.81 翻譯:出版方保證作品的翻譯忠實準確,除為達到合法出版目的外,不變更原作的主題和主旨,并應在可執(zhí)行的范圍內(nèi)保持原作之精神。出版方還應同意,任何背離本條第一句規(guī)定之處,應申請得到
30、版權(quán)方的書面許可。8.2 UNLAWFUL CONTENTS: The Publishers absolve the Proprietors from any liability arising from the publication of the translated Work, but if in the opinion of the Publishers the Work contains any matter which is at any time libelous or otherwise contrary to law, or which infringes upon any
31、existing copyright(s), then the Publishers may submit to the Proprietors a written request to remove said matter from the translation of the work. If the Publishers receive from the Proprietors a written consent to said submitted request, said matter may be removed by the Publishers from the transla
32、tion of the Work.82 非法內(nèi)容:出版方免除版權(quán)方的任何譯作出版責任。但在出版方看來,作品包含任何損害他人名譽的或其它違法之處,或違反任何現(xiàn)行版權(quán)法的,出版方可向版權(quán)方遞交一份從譯作中刪除此類內(nèi)容的書面請求。出版方收到版權(quán)方的書面許可,此類內(nèi)容才可從譯作中刪除。8.3 ADVERTISEMENTS: Advertisements may not be printed or inserted in any edition of the Work whether issued by the Publishers or by its sublicensee, without the
33、Proprietors prior written consent.83廣告:未經(jīng)版權(quán)方書面許可,不管是出版方還是其分支機構(gòu)都不得在任何版本的譯作中刊印廣告。8.4 PERMISSIONS: The Publishers understand the rights to use or print art works. Illustrations, and photographs, contained within the Work or on its covers and/or jackets are not conveyed in this Agreement unless specific
34、ally stated. The Publishers are solely responsible for obtaining rights in such materials from the copyright holder.84 許可:出版方了解使用或印刷藝術(shù)作品的權(quán)利,若非明確注明,本作品中或其封面和封套中的插圖和圖片不在轉(zhuǎn)讓之列。出版方對從版權(quán)持有者獲得的權(quán)利負單一責任。8.5 The Publishers agree to pay US$210.00 for CD-Rom fee including shipping fee and tax.85 出版方同意支付210.00美元C
35、D-Rom費用,包括其航運費和稅款。9.1 COPYRIGHT PROTECTION OF TRANSLATION: The Publishers will not do any act or permit any act to be done which will cause infringement of the Proprietors copyright or which will cause the translation of the work to vest in the public domain in any country in which the Publishers ed
36、ition will be circulated. In the event that the Proprietors copyright is infringed by any party, the Publishers agree to immediately notify the Proprietors and will make every effort to terminate the copyright infringement.91翻譯的版權(quán)保護:出版方不應做出或允許做出任何引發(fā)侵犯版權(quán)方版權(quán),或引發(fā)作品譯文流傳到譯作可能傳播到的任何國家的公開領(lǐng)域的行為。若版權(quán)方版權(quán)被任一方侵害
37、,出版方應立即通知版權(quán)方,并盡可能中止版權(quán)侵害。9.2 TITLES: The Publishers undertakes to print in every copy of the translation of the work published by them the name(s) of the author(s) of the Work as set forth below. Failure to include the copyright notice in every copy of the Work will cause automatic termination of thi
38、s Agreement and all rights granted herein shall revert to the Proprietors as set forth in clause 12 hereof.92 書名:出版方在每一冊譯作上刊印作者姓名,依下執(zhí)行。未能在每一冊作品中刊印版權(quán)信息,合同自動中止,按照12條中相關(guān)條款,所有權(quán)利返還版權(quán)方。版權(quán)信息:JEREMIAH LEARNS TO READ by Jo Ellen Bogartand illustrated by Laura Fernandez and Rick JacobsonText copyright 1997 by
39、 Jo Ellen BogartIllustrations copyright 1997 by Laura Fernandez and Rick JacobsonSimplified Chinese translation copyright 200_by China Women Publishing HousePublished by arrangement with Scholastic Canada LimitedALL RIGHTS RESERVEDAny sublicensee is required to print the above copyright notice in a
40、prominent place on its editions of the Work. Failure to do so will be a breach of contract.任何被授權(quán)者都應在譯作的顯著位置刊印以上版權(quán)信息。未能做到的將視為違約。10. OUT OF PRINT: In the event the Publishers give notice to the Proprietors that the demand for the Publishers translation of the Work has ceased, or if the Publishers allo
41、w the Work to go out of print or off the market and fail to issue a new edition within six (6) months after receipt of written notice to do so from the Proprietors, then the Proprietors shall have the option to terminate this Agreement, such option to take effect upon dispatch by the Proprietors to
42、the Publishers of written notice of Proprietors desire to so terminate. For the purposes of this Agreement, the term OUT OF PRINT also applies if the Publishers stock of the Work is 100 copies or less.10脫銷:出版方通知版權(quán)方作品翻譯的需求停止,或出版方承認作品脫銷,而又未能在收到版權(quán)方書面通知6個月內(nèi)發(fā)行新版本,則版權(quán)方有權(quán)選擇中止合同。中止合同的選擇在版權(quán)方書面通知出版方后生效。出版方的庫存
43、為100本或更少時,也視為“脫銷”。11. VALIDITY OF AGREEMENT: This Agreement is not valid until it has been signed by both parties and until the Proprietors are in receipt of the advance payment set forth in Clause 5.1.11合同有效性:本合同雙方簽字后方可生效,版權(quán)方收到5.1條中提到預付款后方可執(zhí)行。12.1 TERMINATION: Should the Publishers be declared bank
44、rupt, or should a petition be presented, or a meeting convened for the purpose of making an administrative order for the winding up or dissolution of the Publishers, or should the Publishers breach any of the terms of this Agreement and not rectify such breach within one (1) month of having received
45、 written notice of the Proprietors to do so, then all rights granted under this Agreement shall revert to the Proprietors forthwith. Any such reversion shall be considered a termination of this Agreement which shall be without prejudice to any claim which the Proprietors may have for damages or otherwise and without prejudice to any monies already paid or then due to the Proprietors from the Publishers. In the event of termination of this Agreement, for any reason, the Publishers shall remain obligated to effect payments to the Proprietors as r
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